
years later Learn more about years later

  • The cold weather persisted and the emergence of corn seedlings was later than last year.

    The cold weather persisted and the emergence of corn seedlings was later than last year.

    The emergence of corn seedlings in the cold weather is late than that of corn half a month ago last year. Because of the low temperature and constant rain, it has not yet emerged yet, and there are several leaves at this time of year. On May 18th, it was still raining. Although the Beginning of Summer's solar terms have passed, Harbin

    2016-01-10 Low temperature weather persistence corn emergence later than last year low temperature
  • Jieyang good bamboo shoots are listed 10 yuan later and have a high market value per jin.

    Jieyang good bamboo shoots are listed 10 yuan later and have a high market value per jin.

    Jieyang good bamboo shoots are listed 10 yuan later and have a high market value per jin.

  • Should the lateral buds of hyacinth be removed?

    Should the lateral buds of hyacinth be removed?

    Hyacinths sometimes have lateral buds at the bottom of the bulbs bought. Some flower friends ask hyacinth lateral buds to be removed. According to the author's experience and the cases of other flower friends, we can tell them that they can be removed or not, and the main thing is to divide the situation. Situation: water culture is planned, but it is recommended to remove all the lateral buds.

  • Cultivation and management techniques of flower pomegranate

    Cultivation and management techniques of flower pomegranate

    1) soil management: leave a tree disk with a diameter of 1 meter under the tree. In areas where the soil temperature is too high in summer or courtyards hardened by cement, tree plates can be used to cover organic matter (straw, bran shell, sawdust, etc.), or to grow grass on tree plates (planting lawns), so as to achieve cooling and moisturizing and promote normal growth and development.

  • If you can't trim the rose, just do it.

    If you can't trim the rose, just do it.

    For those who have raised roses, there is no need to emphasize the importance of pruning for rose flowering. Flower friends who know how to prune roses correctly and in time can always harvest rose plants with full shape, germination, bamboo shoots, bud growth, and the final result: full branches.

  • Granny Wang raised tiger skin orchid with beans for half a year, and the lateral buds protruded outward.

    Granny Wang raised tiger skin orchid with beans for half a year, and the lateral buds protruded outward.

    As the saying goes, growing flowers must be a great beauty in the past and later lives. Therefore, the person who likes to grow flowers is not only a kind person, but also lovely and beautiful. Growing flowers can relieve fatigue, resist stress and make people feel happy.

  • Cultivation method of happy tree shape of Castanea mollissima

    Cultivation method of happy tree shape of Castanea mollissima

    Cultivation method of happy tree shape of Castanea mollissima

  • Strengthening the Prevention and Control of Diseases and insect pests in the Middle and later stage of Rice

    Strengthening the Prevention and Control of Diseases and insect pests in the Middle and later stage of Rice

    At present, it is the booting stage of rice. in order to conscientiously do a good job in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in the middle and later stages of rice and ensure the increase of rice production and income this year, Shuangfengqiao Street has recently taken effective measures to strengthen the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in the middle and later stages of rice. Because last winter this spring is a warm winter year, rice stem borer, rice leaf roller, rice planthopper.

  • How to reproduce daffodils? four propagation methods / lateral bulb reproduction of daffodils are 100% alive.

    How to reproduce daffodils? four propagation methods / lateral bulb reproduction of daffodils are 100% alive.

    Daffodil, which grows in autumn and blossoms in winter, is an extremely special and beautiful flower, which is deeply loved by flower friends. However, the flowering period of daffodils is very short, no matter how long it takes, and it will have to wait more than 2 years for it to blossom again after flowering, so it is very important to master the breeding methods of daffodils.

  • Cultivation techniques of sweet tea

    Cultivation techniques of sweet tea

    1. Growth characteristics of sweet tea sprouts and new strips grow on the persistent roots when the temperature is stable above 13 ℃ from February to March. The plant state of sweet tea is clump type, the crown is narrow, and there are many upright plants. In July, the temperature in the high altitude mountain area was about 25 ℃, and when the temperature in the low altitude area was about 30 ℃, the plant stopped growing upward, the branches and leaves were basically shaped, and began to turn to the period of leaf nutrient accumulation and sugar transformation. After November, when the temperature dropped to 13-14 ℃, the leaves gradually turned yellow, then withered and fell off, and most of the side branches

  • The latest how to make Dishui Guanyin sprout laterally

    The latest how to make Dishui Guanyin sprout laterally

    If you want dripping Guanyin to sprout laterally, it should be watered and fertilized frequently during its growing period. Sufficient light is also needed, but in order to avoid being exposed to strong light, temperature control measures should be taken in summer and winter. It also needs to change the basin regularly, preferably every 1-2 years.

    2020-11-10 The latest how let dripping Guanyin hair lateral buds want
  • Cultivation techniques of early fruiting and high yield of Damaya jujube

    Cultivation techniques of early fruiting and high yield of Damaya jujube

    Cultivation techniques of early fruiting and high yield of Damaya jujube 1 the quality of planted seedlings is the basis of early fruiting and high yield of Damaya jujube, which is directly related to the survival rate, growth speed, fruit sooner or later and the uniformity of the garden. 1.1 reasonable planning, density suitable for planting.

  • Selection and cultivation of bonsai of Acer truncatum

    Selection and cultivation of bonsai of Acer truncatum

    When I used to cultivate maple material, I usually kept it in the field for 5 years. There will be no pruning of the roots for 5 years. However, I found that five years later, the root grew thick and long, it was difficult to dig out of the ground, and the root disk was not ideal. Now I dig up and trim the roots every year.

  • After the ornamental pineapple flowers have withered, they can continue to reproduce in this way and blossom after two years.

    After the ornamental pineapple flowers have withered, they can continue to reproduce in this way and blossom after two years.

    Recently, a friend asked me how to deal with the withering of its ornamental pineapple flowers. I will teach you how to let the ornamental pineapple propagate continuously. this method is actually ramet propagation, cutting propagation with its lateral buds, and then.

  • How to do the field management in the later stage of winter wheat in 2020? Shanxi Ministry of Rural Agriculture gives guidance!

    How to do the field management in the later stage of winter wheat in 2020? Shanxi Ministry of Rural Agriculture gives guidance!

    Grain Rain has passed, and winter wheat has entered the heading and flowering stage from south to north. This stage is the key period for the formation of wheat yield. So, how to do the field management in the later stage of winter wheat in 2020? Shanxi Ministry of Rural Agriculture gives guidance! Recently, from farmers in Shanxi Province

    2020-11-08 2020 winter wheat later stage field management work how to do
  • Biological characteristics of Angelica sinensis (2)

    Biological characteristics of Angelica sinensis (2)

    The main results are as follows: (1) the root growth of Angelica sinensis spans three years from sowing to physiological maturity, and the whole growth period is more than 500 days. After the seed germination, the radicle lengthens rapidly, bends downward and grows into the soil. When the main radicle extends to 3 cm, the primary lateral root begins to form, and then the secondary lateral root appears on the primary lateral root. The main root continues to thicken and elongate, and gradually becomes fleshy, forming a typical fleshy straight root with a length of 20 cm and a diameter of 0.3 cm. April of the following year

  • Is the price of freshwater fish not as expected in winter? What will happen to the market in the later period?

    Is the price of freshwater fish not as expected in winter? What will happen to the market in the later period?

    With the advent of winter, there has been a marked drop in temperature all over the place. this chill has cooled the aquatic products wholesale market. Recently, the market price of freshwater fish has also fluctuated to varying degrees, and most fish species have begun to reduce their prices. The weather is cold, why freshwater fish

    2020-11-11 In winter the price of freshwater fish is not as expected and in the later stage the market will
  • The pruning method of Natural Happy Tree from the first to the first year

    The pruning method of Natural Happy Tree from the first to the first year

    The pruning method of Natural Happy Tree from the first to the first year

  • How do cactus reproduce? A few minutes will teach you to get to know the cactus quickly.

    How do cactus reproduce? A few minutes will teach you to get to know the cactus quickly.

    Cactus breeding to see this question, Xiao Qi must come to answer. Because Xiaoqi has been raising cactus for many years, and he has raised too much. Now there are tens of thousands of cactus in the flower shed, which is also my favorite, so I should have a say.

  • Coring and pruning of carnation with cut flowers

    Coring and pruning of carnation with cut flowers

    1. The coring technology of cut carnation the purpose of coring treatment of cut carnation is to increase the number of branches, increase the number of flowers per plant and adjust the florescence, balance and timely supply of flowers. The main results are as follows: (1) during the coring period, the first coring of carnation is usually carried out about 30 days after planting, when there are 6-7 pairs of leaves in the main stem of the seedling. When there are 5 or 6 nodes on the main stem, the growing point of the stem tip can be removed, and more or less 1 or 2 nodes can be left according to the characteristics of the occurrence of lateral branches of different varieties.
